SEO for Doctors: A Simple Guide to More Patients

Sumit Dekavadiya
2 min readFeb 27, 2024


In a world where most people search for solutions online, having a strong online presence is essential for doctors. That’s where SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, comes in. SEO helps your practice website rank higher in search results like Google, making it easier for potential patients to find you.

This guide will break down SEO for doctors into simple steps, so you can boost your visibility and attract more patients.

Keyword Research: The Foundation of Doctor SEO

Keywords are the words and phrases people type into search engines when looking for a doctor. Here’s how to find the best ones for your practice:

  • Think like your patients: What conditions do you treat? What services do you offer? What problems might your patients be searching for solutions to?
  • Use keyword tools: Google Keyword Planner (free) and tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush provide insights into search volume and help you discover new keywords.

Example keywords: “dermatologist in [city]”, “pediatric asthma treatment”, “best cardiologist near me”.

Optimizing Your Website for Success

Your website is your online home. Make sure it’s search engine friendly:

  • Title tags & meta descriptions: These snippets appear in search results. Include your keywords and a compelling reason to click.
  • Header tags (H1, H2, etc.): Organize your content and signal to search engines what your pages are about.
  • Content: Write naturally and integrate your keywords without sounding forced.

Additional website must-haves:

  • Mobile-friendly: Most searches happen on phones — your site needs to look good on all devices.
  • Fast load times: No one likes slow websites, and Google doesn’t either.

Local SEO: Dominate in Your Area

Local SEO focuses on helping patients in your area find you:

  • Google My Business: Claim your free profile and fill it out completely (address, phone number, hours, photos, etc.).
  • Online directories: List your practice on sites like Healthgrades and other medical-specific directories.
  • Patient reviews: Positive reviews boost your ranking and credibility. Encourage satisfied patients to leave feedback.

Beyond the Basics

  • Content creation: Blogging about health topics relevant to your speciality builds authority and attracts visitors.
  • Link building: Getting other reputable websites to link to yours signals to search engines that you’re trustworthy.


SEO isn’t magic, but it’s a powerful tool. By following these simple steps, you can improve your website’s visibility and attract new patients looking for your services. Remember, SEO is an ongoing process, so keep tweaking and learning!

Call to Action: Start your SEO journey today with a free website audit! [Link to your contact form or relevant service]

Let me know if you’d like any sections expanded or a specific speciality focused on. Happy to tailor it further!

